Myofascial Release
Fascia is a whole body connective tissue system that is woven like a three- dimensional web from front to back, head to foot. Restrictions and tightness in the fascial tissue can put pressure on structures such as joints, nerves and organs, creating pain.
Fascial restrictions do not show up on standard imaging and can often be responsible for pain that seems to have no structural cause.
For more information click here for an article from Massage Today Magazine regarding fascia.
The role of fascia is multidimensional: providing structure and communication throughout the entire body and functioning as a transport medium for nutrients and waste products. Clinically, it also seems to store tissue memory and emotions. Fascial restrictions are caused by a multitude of factors including prolonged postures, repetitive motions, thwarted inflammatory processes, surgeries, falls, and both physical and emotional trauma.

What is Myofascial Release and how does it work?
Myofascial Release is a mind/body therapy that involves the practitioner applying gentle and sustained (greater than 5 minutes) pressure into the restriction without sliding on the skin or forcing the tissue. This produces piezoelectricity (bioelectrical energy) combined with mechanotransduction, when a biochemical, hormonal effect at the cellular level occurs. Interleukin 8, which is the body's natural anti-inflammatory and cancer killer, is also produced. The tissue then moves into phase transition, which is when the solidified ground substance of the fascial system becomes more fluid and the tissue softens, creating a structural change in the fascial web. This can be felt by the practitioner as lengthening, softening or movement. Myofascial Release Approach is a therapeutic art requiring practice and refining a sense of touch and intuition.

What does it feel like when a release occurs?
Often the client will report relief of pain, pressure, or tightness. Other sensations include an increased sense of heat, cold, itchiness, or pulling sensations in perhaps seemingly unrelated parts of the body. Frequently patients report feeling more spacious, grounded or symmetrical after the treatment. Sometimes there is an emotional response as tissue memory surfaces and is released. Quieting the mind and increasing body awareness during the session combined with an intention of "letting go' of bracing patterns will facilitate the change.
acute and chronic orthopedic injuries (related to muscle and joints - shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee ankle, foot)
low back pain
​neck and thoracic pain
headaches and migraines
TMJ (jaw pain)
scoliosis and kyphosis
whiplash from falls or MVA
repetitive and overuse injuries such as tendonitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel
sports injuries acute and chronic
chronic fatigue syndrome
tightness from surgical scar tissue or burns
chronic pain
scaitic pain
pelvic pain